On last Sunday, our podcast message was entitled:  “A Showdown.”  Biblically, “A Showdown” occurred between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:17-40), and of course, Elijah became the winner when God sent down fire from heaven.

At this very moment as I write, the world is observing “A Showdown” between two men (Donald Trump and Joe Biden) who desire to be the United States President for the next four years.  Although the needle appears to be tilting in favor of the challenger, an official victory at the moment that I am writing cannot be declared.  (Hopefully, by the time you read this, a victory has been declared.)

Unfortunately, an estimate of 68% of Americans are dealing with Election Stress, and I can safely assume that many of these Americans are Christians.  I understand how this election can stress people out, but I need to remind us that our focus is on God, not Donald Trump or Joe Biden.  I voted for one of these men, and I believe that the chances look good for the person I voted for; however, my focus is on God which prevents me from being among two-thirds of Americans who are dealing with Election Stress.

I am reminded of a biblical incident that is recorded in Acts 5:17-29.  Peter and the apostles were imprisoned because of ministry and miracles, but God’s angel set them free and commanded them to speak to people in the temple.  When reprimanded for teaching, Peter and the apostles said:  “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).  Peter and the apostles were not being disrespectful; instead, they made it clear that they were focused on God and loyal to Him.

Like Peter and the apostles, I challenge each of us as believers to relieve ourselves of Election Stress by focusing on God and being loyal to Him.  Regardless of who serves as the President of the United States, God will take care of His people, so we must put our trust in Him.  I woke up early Tuesday morning (November 3rd) praying that God’s will be done even if that meant the defeat of the person I voted for.  I am at peace because “My soul is anchored in the Lord.”

We must remember that this world is not our home, for we are pilgrims who are just passing through.  While passing through, we must do like Jesus:  “Work the work of Him that sent us while it is day because when the night comes, no one can work” (Jn, 9:4).  Once we have successfully passed through this world as pilgrims, then we shall soon enter into heaven—an incorruptible place where we shall see Jesus and where we shall be done with the troubles of this world.

In the meantime, refocus on who we are in Christ and our mission for Christ.  Be still and know that the Lord is God (Ps. 46:10).  Let’s trust God to handle the outcome of this Presidential Election and everything else that concerns us.

On another note, are you interested in being blessed more abundantly?  Do you trust God enough to bless you the way He chooses to bless you?  God has promised to bless believers beyond what we can contain when we faithfully, obediently and lovingly give Him our Tithes and Offerings.  A tenth of what God blesses us with belongs to Him, and God wants us to give that 10% (Tithes) back to Him so that He can bless us more copiously.  We currently contribute by mailing or dropping off our Tithes and Offerings to our St. John South Campus (662 South 52nd Street—Richmond, CA  94804) or by giving online through our website (sjmbc.org).  If you are a member of St. John who is financially able but not supporting our church financially, allow God to bless you with more by giving today your Tithes and Offerings.

May God bless and sustain each of us.

Your Servant In Christ,


Dr. Kevin B. Hall, Pastor