“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:7-10).
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Although we now live with so much uncertainty, we cannot give up because “in due season” we shall reap a harvest—something great!
Speaking of something great, God has blessed us to successfully serve over 1,150 bags or boxes of groceries to people at both the South Campus and North Campus each Tuesday since June 9th. We cannot express enough gratitude to all of the volunteers who have assisted in this ministry. We even have non-members of our church financially supporting our Grocery Giveaway Ministry. One Caucasian lady is so pleased with what we are doing that she donated $1,000.00 (Tuesday, July 14th) to assist when we purchase groceries, and another non-member donated $200.00 on the same day to also assist when we purchase groceries. If God is willing, we hope to distribute groceries again next Tuesday, July 21st (beginning at 12 noon) at both campuses.
Speaking of something else great, God has blessed us to begin our Building Project with the demolition of a warehouse we purchased located across the street from our North Campus Sanctuary. The land along with the vacant lots adjacent to it will be used for parking. Next door to the North Campus Sanctuary, we still envision building a Family Life Center, so please allow God to use you to help finance this multi-million-dollar venture.
In addition to this, please take note of the following:
- The Pastor’s Appreciation: Although many still want to acknowledge and celebrate the 26 years that I have served our congregation, this seems so unlikely since we currently cannot assemble together safely. I assume that when we do reopen our church facilities, we will need to focus on our Church Anniversary Celebration in October. Nonetheless, I am very grateful to so many of you who have blessed me with love offerings via mail and online. Again, thank you!
- Online Ministries: Our Online Ministries are designed to glorify God and edify each of us; consequently, I strongly encourage those of you who are not participating (yet able to participate) to allow our Online Ministries to be a blessing to you by participating. Through our website (sjmbc.org), needed and updated information is available about online Podcast Messages, Sunday School, Prayer Meetings, Bible Study, The Lord’s Supper and much more.
- The Bible: 1) Let’s read a minimum of 3 chapters in the Old Testament and 1 chapter in the New Testament each day. 2) Let’s participate each Sunday in at least one Online Sunday School class. 3) Let’s engage weekly in the Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm. For more information about our Online Sunday School and Online Bible Study, please visit our website (sjmbc.org).
- Prayer: I encourage each of us to pray individually at least three times daily (1st prayer between 12-6 am). I also encourage each of us to procure a St. John Prayer Partner (Mt. 18:19), and pray together with this person at least once a week (a scheduled time is preferable). I further encourage each of us to participate in our Online Prayer Meetings on Wednesdays at 12 pm and/or 6:30 pm (Acts 12:5-19). For more information about our Online Prayer Meetings, please visit our website (sjmbc.org).
- Outreach: Besides our grocery giveaway each Tuesday afternoon, we are still helping St. John parishioners who have difficulty paying their rent or mortgage. For more information, please contact Deacon Johnson concerning how to receive this assistance or how to financially contribute to this ministry. Also, if you are in need or aware of a St. John member in need of groceries or unable to go grocery shopping, please share this with me by replying to this email because we want to help.
- Offering Envelopes: If you no longer have any Church Offering Envelopes yet desire to mail your Tithes and Offerings to our St. John South Campus (662 South 52nd Street—Richmond, CA 94804), please include a note stating specifically how you want your money to be disbursed.
- Scholarships: All St. John graduates should contact Min. Peggy Alexander (Minister of Christian Education) by July 23rd if you are interested in receiving a scholarship and recognition from our church at pmorris@sjmbc.org. Also, if you desire to give towards scholarships, you can do so via mail or online at sjmbc.org.
- Tithes & Offerings: I sincerely thank those of us who have been supporting St. John financially, but more of us need to do what God requires from each of us. Giving our tithes and offerings consistently enables St. John to meet our financial obligations (e.g. our Building Project) and help others in need. Therefore, I encourage everyone (mainly those of us who receive income) to faithfully and generously support St. John financially with our tithes and offerings. You can mail your Tithes and Offerings to our St. John South Campus (662 South 52nd Street—Richmond, CA 94804), or you can give online through our website (sjmbc.org). Although I do not recommend this next option, if you prefer, you can also set aside weekly your Tithes and Offerings and give the total amount (individual checks, one check or cash) the Sunday we resume corporate worship.
In conclusion, In The Midst Of It All, are you bothered or wondering What’s Next? If so, my pastoral advice is as follows: Trust In The Lord, Encourage Yourself In The Lord, Think Yourself Happy, Think Higher, Keep Your Mind On The Lord, Hold On and take One Step At A Time because This Too Shall Pass, Our Change Will Come, God Still Has Plans For You, It’s Time To Turn To The Lord, and The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow. Remember, if you are Covered By The Blood by acknowledging that He Is Risen, God Will Take Care Of You.
May God Bless And Sustain Each Of Us.
Your Servant In Christ,
Dr. Kevin B. Hall, Pastor