Pastor Kevin B. Hall is God’s visionary for the historical St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Known as, “A Kingdom Building Church In Two Communities” (St. Matthew 28:18-20). St. John is one of the largest churches in Richmond, California. Serving as the Spiritual Leader since July 29, 1994, Pastor Hall heeded the guidance of the Holy Spirit to take St. John to higher heights by leading the church in their spiritual walk with Christ Jesus. Although the congregation has grown tremendously over the past 28 years, Pastor Hall’s focus is not “membership driven,” but “discipleship driven.” His passion for the lost souls of this world compelled him to preach every Sunday for three consecutive years 2006–2008. Week after week, his uncompromisingly bold preaching and teaching of God’s Word transformed and converted the hearts of many to choose Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
God has given Pastor Hall a vision for His people. With a Ministerial Staff consisting of many preachers (including pastors) and many ministries dedicated to serving the parishioners and surrounding communities, he continues to equip the saints for future service unto the Lord. Through the leadership of Pastor Hall, St. John has realized several major milestones such as the acquisition of the Administration Building located in downtown Richmond; a multi-million-dollar renovation and beautification project enhancing our South Campus Worship Center and erecting the Kevin B. Hall Education Building on that site. St. John acquired an additional Worship Center, St. John North Campus, located in downtown Richmond. This is the site where the St. John Outreach Ministry was established in 2013. The Kevin B. Hall Education Building (North Campus) consists of 15 classrooms, where Disciples of Christ are thriving and being equipped and where the St. John School of Theology was also established in 2014 with Pastor Hall serving as Director/Instructor. The St. John School Of Theology partnered with the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary of Marin, CA. Pastor Hall taught such courses as, Introduction to Christian Theology, Ministry Foundations, Communicating The Gospel and Missions, Evangelism & Church Planting.
We are now challenged with elevating our ministry to impact a larger scope of people with a “Mission-Minded-Focus.” Most recently, Pastor Hall led the church to purchase land in two locations for future development. With the recent acquisition of new development property near the St. John North Campus, we are expanding our facilities to fulfill our mission as “A Kingdom Building Church In Two Communities.” At the North Campus, we are about to begin the construction of a multi-million-dollar Family Life Center which will consists of a gymnasium, weight room and game room.
Educationally, Pastor Hall earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Philosophy as his major and Sociology as his minor) from San Francisco State University in 1983. He also earned a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Conroe Bible College that same year. In 1987, Pastor Hall earned a Master of Divinity Degree and a Master of Religious Education from the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. On May 25, 1996, Pastor Hall received his Doctor of Ministry Degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo, California.
Pastor Hall has achieved many triumphs during his 43 years of dedicated service to the Master. He was also the pastor of St. Mark Baptist Church in San Francisco for 7 ½ years before becoming the pastor of St. John. He is an honored member of the National Directory of WHO’S WHO in Executives and Professionals. He has received many Awards and Certificates of Recognition for outstanding church and community leadership from officials in the City of San Francisco, City of Richmond and the State of California.
Pastor Hall is the devoted son of Reverend John L. Hall and the late Mrs. Ola Mae Hall. He is the proud father of two children, Kevin (Shana) and Kavina (Phillip) and grandfather of Kalayah, Kaelyn, Micah, and Myla. Pastor Hall can always be found reciting these words of encouragement, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Contact Information

Work: 510-233-1779 x15
Email: pastorhall@www.sjmbc.org